New DVT API Flow

by Alessandro Maci

Enhanced Security in DVT API Flow

Old Flow:

Previously, the DVT API allowed clients to send both the unsigned transaction data and the deposit data in the same method. While this was efficient and fast, it posed potential security risks. Incorrect data could be registered on SSV, leading to penalties for validators when depositing the stake amount.

New Method:

To address these security concerns, the DVT API flow has been redesigned to ensure maximum security and robustness for our clients.

Clients will now follow a two-step process:

  1. Validator Registration: Clients send a validator request and receive transaction data to complete the registration on the SSV network using the Check Status Request method.
  2. Deposit Execution: After registration, clients send another request using the newly added Get Request Deposit Data method to retrieve the deposit data and execute the deposit transaction.
    This redesigned process includes a verification step to ensure the validator is correctly registered, thus protecting client funds from potential risks.

Introduction of SSV White-Label Node Solution

We are excited to introduce a unique solution within the DVT space: the SSV White-Label Node.

Key Benefits:

  1. Dedicated SSV Nodes: Clients can register their validators on dedicated SSV nodes, enhancing security and regulatory compliance.
  2. Cost Efficiency: This solution reduces the amount of $SSV required by over 93%.

The flexibility of the DVT API allows for retrieving dedicated SSV node IDs based on the client's API key. Clients can request to enable this solution to our product team. Upon confirmation, private SSV nodes will be set up and automatically retrieved when new validator requests are sent via the DVT API.

These updates mark a significant improvement in the security, efficiency, and compliance of our DVT API, reinforcing our commitment to providing the best service to our clients.

We have introduced a new method in the Data API that allows clients to retrieve a comprehensive list of created validators via Staking API based on their status. This enhancement addresses the limitations of the previous solution, where it was impossible to filter and retrieve specific validators by their status.

The new method endpoint will be available at:

This endpoint returns the total count of validators created via Staking API and their status. The available statuses for validators are:

pending_initialized — validator is initialized but not yet in the queue for activation.
pending_queued — validator entered a queue for activation.
active_ongoing — validator was activated and currently participates in attesting and proposing blocks.
active_slashed — validator was slashed due to misbehaviors.
exited_unslashed — validator has exited the network without being slashed and is no longer acting as a validator.
exited_slashed — validator has exited the network after being slashed and is no longer acting as a validator.
withdrawal_possible — validator has a non-zero balance.
withdrawal_done — validator completed the withdrawal process.

With this update, clients can now efficiently view their total requested validators based on their status, enhancing the usability and functionality of our staking API.

Our latest software update introduces key API enhancements, new batching mechanisms for validators, and Holesky testnet support, all aimed at improving operations and expanding capabilities. Explore how these changes can elevate your platform experience.

New Features

  • Prepare exitValidator Transaction: You can now initiate an exit for validators registered on SSV using the DVT API. This addition simplifies the process by providing an unsigned transaction to sign and broadcast, further facilitating the validator withdrawal process.
  • Holesky: The DVT API now supports the Holesky network as the primary testnet environment, allowing clients to seamlessly request validator deposit data and register them on SSV. Use the endpoint to start requesting validator deposit data from the Holesky network and register them on SSV.


  • Add Register Validator Batching Mechanism: Previously, users had to request a validator key and register it on SSV one by one, a limitation due to our inability to predict the cluster state after the first SSV registration. Now, you can request multiple validators at once and register them on in batch, saving gas fees and time.
  • Add Exit and Remove Validator Batching Mechanism: Similarly, users previously had to exit a validator and remove it from SSV individually due to SSV smart contract limitations. Now, you can exit and remove multiple validators simultaneously, saving gas fees and time.

Data API Enhancements

We have enhanced the capabilities of obtaining information through our Data API.


  • Expanded network support for all Data API methods.
  • Added the addressType parameter for specific delegation methods.
  • Added the validatorAddress parameter for specific delegation methods.

These enhancements provide users with a more versatile and efficient experience, extending network compatibility and enabling finer control over data retrieval.

Data API Enhancements

We extended the set of API methods in our Data API, providing enhanced capabilities to retrieve information about validators and delegators.

New Features

  • Validator Name: Easily identify validators with their names, simplifying your search and comparison processes.
  • Validator State: Obtain real-time status of validators, helping you monitor their operational state and performance.
  • Validator Delegators Count: Discover the number of delegators behind each validator, offering insights into their popularity and trustworthiness.
  • Delegator Stake: Access detailed information on the stake amount by each delegator, facilitating a deeper understanding of stake distribution.
  • Delegator Rewards: Retrieve up-to-date information on earned rewards, enabling delegators to track their returns effectively.
  • Delegator APY (Annual Percentage Yield): Gauge the annualized return rate, considering the effect of compounding, to evaluate investment growth over time.
  • Delegator APR (Annual Percentage Rate): Understand the annualized interest rate without the effect of compounding, providing a clear view of expected earnings.
  • Delegator Total Rewards: Get a comprehensive overview of all rewards accumulated by a delegator, aiding in performance assessment and future strategy planning.

Polygon Integration

We are pleased to announce the addition of Polygon, a new network integration, to our Staking API. This enhancement enables users to seamlessly stake and unstake MATIC in an automated manner using our API.

To guide you through these operations, we have prepared a comprehensive guide available in our documentation portal:

Explore the possibilities with our newly integrated Polygon network and make the most of your staking experience!