The Unified API provides a standardized platform to manage staking, transaction broadcasting, and unstaking across multiple blockchain networks. Its modular architecture simplifies integrations, enabling quick support for new networks. Connect once, and you’re ready to interact with all supported networks.

This modular flow ensures that users can seamlessly integrate both existing and future supported networks, as they will maintain a consistent structure.

Key features

  • Seamless Cross-Network Compatibility: Streamline operations with a unified request/response format and consistent staking workflows across all the existing and future supported networks.
  • Fewer Integrations: By consolidating a number of Staking APIs into a single one, Unified API allows reducing the diversity of integrations to accommodate tech stacks.
  • Coverage: The Unified API supports the following chains: Babylon, Solana, TON, Avail, and Ethereum (SSV). We are expanding this initial list to meet the clients' growing demands, with up to 30 chains available via one API endpoint.

Supported Chains and Networks

Get an authentication token to start using Unified API.

We provide two distinct endpoints for testing and production environments:

Chain IDNetworksDescription
avail🌐mainnetAvail mainnet
🔧testnetTuring environment
babylon-btc🌐mainnetBitcoin mainnet
🔧testnetBitcoin testnet called sigNet
eth_ssv🌐mainnetEthereum (SSV) Mainnet
🔧testnetEthereum (SSV) Holesky testnet
solana🌐mainnet-betaSolana production environment
🔧testnetSolana testing environment (Testnet)
ton_whales🌐mainnetTON Whales mainnet
🔧testnetTON Whales testnet

How It Works

Outlined below is a high-level diagram of the process.

  1. The user initiates an action (stake/unstake/withdraw) by sending a request to the client system.
  2. Client system issues a POST request to the Unified API, specifying one of four supported actions: stake, send transaction, unstake, or withdraw.
  3. The Unified API adapter receives the request, validates the parameters and forwards it to the appropriate network-specific API in the required format.
  4. The network-specific API processes the request and returns a raw response to the Unified API adapter.
  5. The Unified API adapter processes the raw response, transforming it into a standardized unified format to ensure consistent structure across all supported networks.

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